Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday is worse than Hump Day

Hello bloggy world! This is my first post ever and I have been inspired to do this from following the many run-ny, healthy people type blogs for the past month or so. I think that SkinnyRunner has become a staple of my day. I can’t say that I am a good runner and extremely far from saying that I’m a fast runner, but I can say that I am a runner. When I was in high school I threw the shot put and discus and was one of those “fat people on the hill” that you couldn’t pay to run. Fast forward almost 10 years and now I’m paying to run and actually enjoying it! Go figure! 
OK. Back to the lab. I have 3 organic reactions running for the 2nd day in a row and I have some radiochem stuff that I want to get done. My goal for tonight is 5 miles in an hour or so and then my BOSU abs class. Still not sure what I’m having for dinner yet, but I have plenty of time to figure that out…


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! Gosh has it been almost 10years since high school? Yikes!
