Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Survived the PT

Last night, I went to Physical Therapy and I didn't die and they didn't turn me into a pretzel, so I thought it was all good!

I got there a little early after taking the bus home and had a massive amount of paperwork to fill out. I went back to the room and met my PT, Brandon, and we talked about my leg cramping issues. He did some range of motion and strength tests on me and then had me get on the treadmill for 10 min so I could get nice and crampy. We went back to the room and he put some kind of goo on my legs and rubbed on the hurting area with what looked like a metal tongue depressor. I guess this was to work out the soft tissue? He then gave me some sheets with exercises/ stretches on them. I need to strengthen my outter hips and stretch my ankle area. I will be seeing him again for the next 4 Mondays to see how I progress.

I walked up the hill b/c the PT place is practically at the bottom of my driveway and was pooped. I had some chicken noodle soup for dinner, did my exercises/ stretches and watched The Bachelor and Hoarders at the same time. Both were equally as jaw dropping shows, just different kinds of drama. I think I feel underwhelmed with this season of The Bachelor but that could be because I cheated and read the spoiler and knows who won. I don't think I'll be doing that again. And it could be the fact that Ben isn't as hunky as most of the past Bachelors.

Here's my food from the past day:

chicken noodle soup for dinner

night snack to get in my fruit/ veggies

breakfast... see that pepperjack?

lunch + greek yogurt

snack + an apple... I ate it before I remembered to take a picture

Tonight, I have a Track officiating meeting and they are feeding me pizza, so dinner is taken care of. I also have my first abs class tonight and plan on getting a speed workout in. I'm sad b/c I'm now going to miss the first hour of BL, but most of the business happens in the second hour.

Are you ready for BL tonight?! Feel free to fb or twitter updates to me of the first hour if you'd like. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think I got my mom hooked on BL while she was here visiting us, LOL
