Thursday, January 5, 2012

Food Smash Up

Last night, I didn't go to the gym but did an abs workout while watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune on my living room floor. It felt kind of lame but it's better than sitting on the couch all night like a bum.

While I was working out, I had this little distraction "working out" on the floor next to me and couldn't help but take a video. Rabbit kicks anyone? Penny do you recognize that ball? Now 2 of my 3 kids have played with it!

After working out, I got fancy and did a food "smash up" (anyone watch Glee?) of leftovers of sorts. I made a sloppy joe salad with green olives! It was amazingly delicious! I also started 'Catching Fire' #2 of the Hunger Games series!

snack during group meeting

Sloppy Joe salad with green olives

wheat toast with almond butter

egg sammy with pepper jack cheese-- look out!!

Last night, while I was playing around on the interwebs after group meeting, I had joined in on the FitFluential twitter chat and they were talking about chia seeds. I even got one of my tweets retweeted by FitFluential and some comments after!! How cool! But during the convo, someone posted a recipe for peach cobbler chia pudding and I had to try it! I made it last night and had it for a pre-lunch snack today. It ended up being more than a snack b/c it held me over from 10:30-1pm, when I was hungry enough to eat lunch.

peach cobbler chia pudding

sloppy joe salad for lunch


Tonight, I'm going running with my Running Buddy and we are going for 4 miles around town. I feel like I need a good sweat session after last night's performance.

So far I've been good with my 'Get Healthy Challenge' and haven't eaten sweets yet and have earned full points so far. I was having troubles deciding when I should set my free day and my teammates chimed in that they were doing it on a weekend day and I think I will do the same.

How is your week going? Tomorrow is Friday!! I can hardly believe it!! WOO HOO!

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