Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hot as Hades Weekend

My weekend seemed pretty busy but that could have been due to all of the laying around I did and trying not to sweat sitting still. Ick! It was up in the mid to upper 90s this weekend, which is pretty hot for here. I even broke down and turned my AC on and was still sweltering! Then a storm moved in last night and it was still hot but windy so it at least felt better.

Friday: I went to a McNair Welcome BBQ to acclimate the new Scholars with the old and introduce all of the Alumni that are on campus. There was really good food and it was great catching up with everyone and seeing how their summers were. I went home early because I was planning on a long run Saturday morning.

Saturday: My alarm went off at 4:30 and it was still dark and I didn't sleep well, so I hit the snooze. 5:30 rolled around and it was still dark and I didn't feel like getting up, so I slept in til 9. Then it was too hot to go outside and run. I decided that I would go with a pb english muffin and a banana for my fuel since lots of runners do. I learned that this was a bad move for me b/c I was burping up pb the whole time I was running! GROSS!!

I did get to try out my new arm band b/c I somehow have lost my other one. I hope it turns up somewhere, but right now I've scoured my car and everything it could have touched the last day I had it on. Here's the new one that I bought at Walmart.

Another thing about my run... I had planned on doing at least 10 miles but even inside it was freaking hot so all I could muster was a crazy super sweating 3 miles. I felt like I was dying! I think I need to run more during the week than I have been and I need to get my long runs in on the weekend early so it's still cool out. 

Lesson learned.

After showering and trying not to sweat while sitting still, I went to Moscow to watch the UFC fights. I was really hoping that Forrest Griffin was going to win but he sadly had his rear handed to him on a plate. The Anderson Silva fight was pretty good too. The only thing I was sad about was how quick some of the fights were, but I guess that's what makes them good.

I left the bar about 9 and went to get some taco bell for the road.

Sunday: I hung out with Erin. I dyed her hair, which turned into an adventure. We went to Jamms for froyo. She cleaned her room and we chatted. It was a good day but was 98 degrees when I was coming through town on my way home.

I broke down and turned the AC on in my house and set it to 72 and it did nothing. I passed out on the couch from the heat and woke up to a creepy looking sky.
There was a storm moving in. It turned out to only be thunder and lightning with very little rain but the winds were pretty gusty and it made things cool down a bit which was nice!

Monday: Started off as a regular day. I had to fill in for someone and do their office hours in exchange for them doing mine when I'm gone for 2 weeks in 2 weeks from today! EEKS! So I sat for 3 hours and at the end of it I had this headache that seemed to keep growing. 

I had a meeting from 5:30-7 and the headache kept getting worse. I got home and came to the realization that it was a lovely migraine and not a headache b/c it was that time. Ugg. Needless to say it was a long night of me smashing my face into pillows/ couch cushions/ anything soft that I could smash my face into.

I ended up getting some sleep but not a lot, so I slept in til 8:30. I've been pretty much just going through the motions today b/c it's still there and fades in and out. I'm hoping that I will be better by 6:30 b/c I have my first BOSU Abs class at the Rec Center tonight. I might run after depending on how I feel. 

How was your weekend?
Do you get migraines? How do you deal with them?


  1. ahhhh i do get migraines. hate them. honestly...i have to get in bed and turn off all lights and scratch any plans the rest of the night. terrible.

    my weekend actually turned out good considering how overwhelming the week before was! love the beginning of the year with all the new grad dinners and free food...always my favorite!

  2. I totally hear you. The heat lately has been killing me. A few days ago I ran at 5:30am and it was already 87 degrees. Unacceptable!!!!
